
You can import and analyze your own data. By analyzing your own store, competing stores, and member data, you will be able to build and market new area strategies.

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Use case:Registration of your store information

Detailed analysis is possible by registering information about your company and competitors. For example, you can set your own information you want to check, such as the number of cash registers, the availability of parking lots, and business hours. It is also possible to share the latest data between the head office and branch offices.

Use case:Registration of your customers

You can visualize from which area your customers are visiting. By plotting on a map, you can see the presence or absence of cannibalization and the specific area. Please use it not only for simulation when opening a new store, but also for consolidating stores and formulating sales promotion areas.

For your first Area Marketing GIS!Please request a document to help you understand TerraMap Thailand.

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